Il Cunicolo - I

Pari, Grossetto Italia

La Referenza Bella

giovedì, 27 febbraio 2025

Sometimes, when you least expect it, fortune smiles upon you with an unexpected surprise. Even though I have continued with my art throughout the beginning of 2025, I haven't been posting as much on social media — mainly due to the fact that I needed to fix and finish my website. After all, there's not much sense in posting to social media if one doesn't have much of a website to send people to.

So, today I played catch-up and began sharing posts about the artwork that I have done this year, as well as the different techniques and strategies that I have been experimenting with as of late. Much to my surprise, I found a share and a note on Instagram from my friend Silvio, whom I met during my first time in Italia, in my little village of Pari. For much of the past year, I have dedicated my time to art, partially as a way to share my experiences in Italia, and partially to stave off and console myself in my loneliness upon my return to Stati Uniti.

There is another reason why I paint, Pari in particular, but not something that I share or talk about with many people, partially because it seems such a lofty endeavor, and also because it means so very much to me. Within the village of Pari, the people have welcomed me into their home (both figuratively and literally). Ideally, I would like to help breathe new life into this little village, which like so many other Italian villages, is suffering from a shrinking population.

Of course this opens the question of how might one do this — not at the expense of the Italian culture, but in a way to preserve the culture, and outlook upon life that I cherish so much. So when Silvio posted that I am "reproducing a small old Italian town. This is true preservation and promotion of our common art and beauty!" I was more than pleasantly surprised.

To me art, is a way to communicate beyond words, which is why I have poured my heart into my visual work instead of my writing. Silvio's testimonial gives me hope in so many ways, not the least of which is my hope to help others recognize the beauty of Pari to help preserve the Italian culture.

For those who are interested, you can follow Silvio on Instagram @silvioilmagno.

Both prints and the original of Il Cunicolo - I are available for purchase here.

Yours in inspiration,
Michael Weaver